TDEE Calculator

Updated: Apr 10, 2024

TDEE, or Total Daily Energy Expenditure, is a measure of how many calories your body requires in a day to maintain its current weight, factoring in all physical activities and bodily functions. It's essential for creating a tailored diet plan, whether for weight loss, gain, or maintenance.

Sedentary (little or no exercise)
Lightly active (exercise 1-3 days/week)
Moderately active (exercise 3-5 days/week)
Very active (exercise 6-7 days/week)
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TDEE Calculator for Weight loss?

Imagine you're the 185-pound individual who just burned around 400 calories on a vigorous 30-minute bike ride. That's an impressive effort! Now consider a large slice of pepperoni pizza that can easily contain the same amount of calories. Consuming that slice would effectively cancel out all the hard work you just put in on your bike.

The truth is, it's much quicker and easier to consume calories than it is to burn them off. This is why paying attention to your diet is so crucial when trying to lose weight. You can unknowingly eat hundreds of calories in just a few minutes, which might take over an hour of intense exercise to burn off.

Use this calculator for faster weight loss. Calories are important. At best, be mindful that if you eat more than your TDEE you will gain weight. At best combine workouts with less empty calories and keep them under your TDEE.

How We Calculate Your TDEE

Our TDEE calculator starts with something called BMR—that's like the minimum amount of fuel your body needs just to keep all systems running, even if you're just chilling all day. Then, we think about how much you move, whether it's a little or a lot, and add that to your BMR. This gives you your TDEE.

  • Starting with the Basics: Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is like the idle power your body needs, similar to how a parked car still uses fuel to run the radio.
  • Height and Weight: We first convert your height to centimeters and your weight to kilograms, even if you use pounds and feet.
  • Lean Body Mass: If you know your body fat percentage, we fine-tune the calculations to focus on the lean part of your weight—that's everything in your body minus the fat.
  • Gender Matters: Men and women burn energy differently, so we adjust the formula based on your biological sex.
  • Age Adjustments: As we age, our metabolism changes, so we factor in your age for a precise number.
  • Active Lifestyle: Whether you're a couch potato or a fitness freak, we multiply your BMR by your activity level to find out how many calories you burn on a typical day.

Once all the numbers are crunched, voilà! You have your TDEE, a snapshot of your daily calorie needs you burn just by existing combined with your physical activity.

Tips for Making the Most of Your TDEE

  • Track your food: Keep a diary of what you eat to stay close to your TDEE goals.
  • Be consistent: Try to be as accurate as possible with your activity levels for the best TDEE estimate.
  • Adjust as you go: Your TDEE can change if you start moving more or less, so recalculate it if your lifestyle changes.

Remember, your TDEE is a starting point. With this information you push your fitness goals further! Here are some other calculators that will help you with your weight loss, muscle gain, macros and much more.


Marko S.

Hi👋, I'm Marko. After starting corporate life, I never had time for anything. Every day was the same, I would work for 10 hours, ate mostly junk food and fitness became a foreign word. I was too lazy to do anything about it because I felt I had more important things to do. After a couple of years, my sedentary lifestyle took a toll on my health. I haven't played many sports, had a terrible diet, and had no idea about healthy habits. I took matters into my own hands, started working out, and improved my diet. A good plan was all it took. I've lost 15 pounds, gained some muscle and now I feel better than ever. I made it my addiction. As a software developer, I decided to make some essential calculators from the knowledge I learned through my journey, as well as some additional ones. I truly hope they will help you as well 🙏.