Body Recomposition Calculator

Updated: Apr 10, 2024

When I was starting my fitness journey, this was the first thing that piqued my interest. Body recomp gave the best results. I was able to simultaneously lose fat and build muscle. This calculator will advise you on your macros, both training and rest days.


The optimal number of workouts is 2-4 weight exercise workouts per week. Each workout should last at least 30 minutes.

Please input the missing values.

Please do the calculation above first.

Body recomposition, a game-changer in fitness that allows you to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. This approach goes beyond the scale, focusing on improving body shape and muscle tone through a blend of targeted resistance training and a high-protein diet. It reshapes your body and elevates your health, all without extreme dieting or exhaustive workouts.

Why this much?

On training days, you need a boost in energy to fuel those intense workouts—that's where the higher carbs come in, making up 40% of your calorie intake. We don't skimp on the proteins, either; they're crucial for muscle repair. Then, there's a healthy dose of fats to keep your hormone levels in check.

On rest days, we dial down the carbs to 30% and let proteins take the lead, supporting muscle growth even when you're not lifting. Every gram and calorie is calculated to optimize your body recomp, targeting the sweet spot between muscle gain and fat loss. It's not just about eating more or less; it's about eating right for your body's specific needs during the muscle-building journey.

Steps to Get the Muscle and Lose the Fat

It's simpler than you think.

  • Do your calculation: I've done the math so you know exactly how much to eat.
  • Protein is Key: More protein on rest days means more muscle repair.
  • Do not skip your workouts: Aim to do at least 2, at best 3-4 per week. Resistance training in the gym, body training in the park or at home. Make it work the best for you.
  • Stay consistant: Probably the most important part. Find the right motivation, find a training partner.

Body Recomposition Macros

During body recomposition, macros play an enormous role. Macros, short for macronutrients, are the fats, proteins, and carbohydrates that your body needs in larger amounts to function properly and support muscle building and fat loss.

On Training Days:

  • Protein: Very important for muscle repair and growth. A guideline is to consume protein at 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight.
  • Fat: Important for hormone production. Fats should comprise around 30% of your calorie intake on these days.
  • Carbohydrates: They fuel your workouts and help with recovery. Aim for them to be 40% of your calorie intake post-workout.

On Rest Days:

  • Protein: Still a priority, slightly higher on rest days to aid recovery, constituting the remaining calories after fats and carbs are accounted for.
  • Fat: Slightly increased to 30% of daily calorie intake, important for recovery processes.
  • Carbohydrates: Lowered to 30% of your calorie intake as your body is less active and requires less energy.

Eat more protein and less carbs when you're not working out. Your muscles need protein to repair on your off days. Increase carbs only on your workout days when you're burning them off.

Have a clear goal

Trust the plan, see the change, and feel great doing it. Come back every two weeks and do your calculation again for an updated plan. I truly believe in you.


Marko S.

Hi👋, I'm Marko. After starting corporate life, I never had time for anything. Every day was the same, I would work for 10 hours, ate mostly junk food and fitness became a foreign word. I was too lazy to do anything about it because I felt I had more important things to do. After a couple of years, my sedentary lifestyle took a toll on my health. I haven't played many sports, had a terrible diet, and had no idea about healthy habits. I took matters into my own hands, started working out, and improved my diet. A good plan was all it took. I've lost 15 pounds, gained some muscle and now I feel better than ever. I made it my addiction. As a software developer, I decided to make some essential calculators from the knowledge I learned through my journey, as well as some additional ones. I truly hope they will help you as well 🙏.