Protein Intake Calculator

Updated: Apr 10, 2024

We will calculate how much protein you need per day or at least should be taking during weight loss, maintenance or muscle building. With a scientific proof.

Sedentary (little or no exercise)
Lightly active (exercise 1-3 days/week)
Moderately active (exercise 3-5 days/week)
Very active (exercise 6-7 days/week)
Please input the missing values.

Please do the calculation above first.

In today's society, protein has taken a center stage. It is the most important point of nutritional discussions, diets and even culinary innovation. Everywhere you look, from local supermarkets to that cool coffee place, protein is incorporated in every conceivable way. From meat, tofu, to snacks like protein chips, ice creams and even protein coffee. Where did all this craze come from?

But with all this protein obsession, it is crucial to sift through the hype and uncover scientific truths about our actual protein needs and how best to incorporate it into our diets in a balanced manner, whether you are building muscle or on a weight loss.

Why This Much?

We will provide you with our personal unbiased recommendation and the one that is being recommended to you from American Dietetic Association and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You decide for youself what works best for you.

  • Body Weight Consideration: The American Dietetic Association (ADA) recommends a protein intake ranging from a minimum of 0.8 grams to a maximum of 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. This range accommodates varying levels of activity and physiological needs.
  • Total Energy Expenditure Alignment: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that your protein intake should constitute between 10% and 35% of your TDEE. This is calculated by taking your TDEE, determining the caloric contribution from protein (at 4 calories per gram), and converting this into the weight of protein required per day.

Minimum protein requirements per day, recommended dietary allowance based on age:

AgeProtein Needed (grams/day)
Age 1 - 313
Age 4 - 819
Age 9 - 1334
Age 14 - 18 (Girls)46
Age 14 - 18 (Boys)52
Age 19 - 70+ (Women)46
Age 19 - 70+ (Men)56

Daily Protein Intake Recommendation

The accompanying graph is derived from a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in March 2018. The study, titled A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults, analyzes how dietary protein supplementation affects muscle gains in individuals engaged in resistance training.

This research is critical in providing evidence-based guidelines for optimal protein intake for muscle hypertrophy, particularly in resistance-trained individuals. The graph specifically illustrates the relationship between total daily protein intake and changes in fat-free mass(muscle).

Protein recommendation grams

The graph suggests a correlation between protein intake and muscle gain. The optimal protein intake for muscle gain is indicated at 1.6 g/kg/day, where the increase in fat-free mass levels off.

Here's why 1.6 g/kg/day is significant:

  • It represents a balance between sufficient protein for muscle growth and the body's ability to utilize it effectively.
  • Intakes above this level do NOT significantly increase muscle mass, indicating a plateau in the protein's effectiveness for muscle synthesis.
  • This level is seen as optimal in the data, but individual needs may vary.

Always consult a healthcare provider for personalized nutritional advice.


When building muscle, 1.6 grams per kg or 0.72 grams per pound of body weight daily. But don't worry too much about numbers. It doesn't need to be perfect.

Try to have regular meals with protein sources like meat, tofu, cheese, eggs etc. With this tactic you will ensure a constant protein intake which is permentantly sustainable. As always, be consistent in your training and diet and results are inevitable.


Marko S.

Hi👋, I'm Marko. After starting corporate life, I never had time for anything. Every day was the same, I would work for 10 hours, ate mostly junk food and fitness became a foreign word. I was too lazy to do anything about it because I felt I had more important things to do. After a couple of years, my sedentary lifestyle took a toll on my health. I haven't played many sports, had a terrible diet, and had no idea about healthy habits. I took matters into my own hands, started working out, and improved my diet. A good plan was all it took. I've lost 15 pounds, gained some muscle and now I feel better than ever. I made it my addiction. As a software developer, I decided to make some essential calculators from the knowledge I learned through my journey, as well as some additional ones. I truly hope they will help you as well 🙏.