Carbs Intake Calculator

Updated: Apr 10, 2024

Knowing the right amount of carbohydrates to consume daily can be helpful in achieving and maintaining your weight loss, weight gain, or weight maintenance goals.

By understanding your individual carbohydrate needs, you can make sure that your diet is customized to your body's unique requirements. Calculating the appropriate amount of carbs to consume is essential.

Sedentary (little or no exercise)
Lightly active (exercise 1-3 days/week)
Moderately active (exercise 3-5 days/week)
Very active (exercise 6-7 days/week)
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Please do the calculation above first.

Carbohydrates are a vital part of our diet, providing the main source of energy for our bodies. But how much do we really need? The answer depends on various factors, including your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE).

Why this much?

  • Guidelines by The Institute of Medicine: They recommend that carbohydrates should make up 40% to 65% of your total daily calories. This range ensures adequate energy while supporting overall health.
  • Recommendations by the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization: A slightly higher intake, between 55% and 75% of your TDEE, is advised to meet your body's energy needs and support bodily functions.
  • Sugar Intake: It's crucial to limit added sugars, with a maximum recommendation of 10% of your total daily calories. Keeping sugars low helps manage blood sugar levels, reduces the risk of metabolic diseases and you reduce empty calories.

Why Follow These Recommendations?

Energy Maintenance: Carbs provide the fuel your body needs for daily activities and maintaining energy levels.

Health Benefits: A balanced carb intake supports brain function, aids in digestive health, and helps regulate blood sugar.

Disease Prevention: Proper carbohydrate management can lower the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Tips for Healthy Carb Consumption

  • Choose Wisely: Opt for whole, unprocessed carbs like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains over refined sugars and flours.
  • Monitor Portions: Keep an eye on portion sizes to stay within your recommended daily intake.
  • Balance Your Diet: Combine carbohydrates with proteins and healthy fats for a well-rounded diet.

Carbs are not scary! Do not avoid them.

It's a common misconception that carbohydrates are the enemy of a healthy diet. However, the truth is that carbs are essential for energy, brain function, and even weight management. The key is to choose healthy sources of carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, which provide vital nutrients and fiber. This fiber aids in digestion and can help you feel fuller longer, preventing overeating. So, instead of avoiding carbs, focus on incorporating the right kinds into your diet to fuel your body and support overall health.

Carbohydrates for weight loss, weight gain or maintenanceImage source:

How much carbs for weight loss and weight gain?

When it comes to adjusting your weight, understanding your carbohydrate intake is crucial.

Weight loss

For weight loss, focusing on a diet lower in calories but rich in nutrients is key. Reducing simple carbs like sugar and opting for complex carbs can help create a calorie deficit while keeping you satiated. Aim for carbs to make up 40% to 50% of your total caloric intake, emphasizing foods with a low glycemic index to avoid spikes in blood sugar.

  • Whole Grains: Quinoa, barley, and whole grain pasta.
  • Vegetables: Leafy greens, carrots, and broccoli.
  • Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, and black beans.
  • Fruits: Apples, berries, and pears.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds.
  • Dairy: Greek yogurt and cottage cheese.
Bread as a carbohydrate sourceImage source:

Weight gain

Conversely, for weight gain, increasing your carbohydrate intake can help achieve a calorie surplus needed for muscle growth and weight gain. Targeting 55% to 65% of your calories from carbs, including more starchy vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, can provide the extra energy required. Remember, balancing these with proteins and healthy fats is essential for healthy weight gain.

Some supplements to support your diet:

  • Protein Powders: Whey, pea, or hemp protein can help keep you full and support muscle maintenance during weight loss.
  • Fiber Supplements: Psyllium husk or glucomannan to help with fullness and improve digestion.
  • Green Tea Extract: Known for its metabolism-boosting properties.
  • Omega-3 Supplements: Fish oil or algal oil to support heart health and potentially aid in weight management.

Marko S.

Hi👋, I'm Marko. After starting corporate life, I never had time for anything. Every day was the same, I would work for 10 hours, ate mostly junk food and fitness became a foreign word. I was too lazy to do anything about it because I felt I had more important things to do. After a couple of years, my sedentary lifestyle took a toll on my health. I haven't played many sports, had a terrible diet, and had no idea about healthy habits. I took matters into my own hands, started working out, and improved my diet. A good plan was all it took. I've lost 15 pounds, gained some muscle and now I feel better than ever. I made it my addiction. As a software developer, I decided to make some essential calculators from the knowledge I learned through my journey, as well as some additional ones. I truly hope they will help you as well 🙏.